Jin - the temptress and dancer

Jin - I am so beautiful: another name for the Shetani spirit, here stylized in the form of a woman and displayed as beauty in all her charms. The tender age is indicated by the smooth surface, but the three scars on the face demonstrate the willingness to be desired. Jin is happy and shows it in an erotic dance. The selected form of the carved snapshot underlines the dynamic of the intentions. The depiction of the posture, albeit distorted, with the head rotated 180 degrees backwards and with the arm placed unnaturally on the head, doesn't detract from the overall aesthetic in any way. On the contrary, Jin appears as a healthy, young woman who can symbolize the overcoming of all difficulties with the suppleness and suppleness of the body. With her attributes: an ear, slanted eyes and a breast, she embodies the good spirit that stands for fertility as a gift and power to create a new life.

carving technique: The entire surface of the figure is kept in a velvety smoothness, which is intended to convey a lightness and lightheartedness. Despite little modelling, the figure has a strong facial expression. The few carving features are intended to bring the symbolism through the shape and posture to the fore.

Artist: Peter Musinga

Material: Solid ebony, from the core of the tree, therefore natural black color without white inclusions, polished

Year: without specification

Size: Height: 36cm Width: 12cm Depth: 5cm